Books Purchased Template


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  • July 2, 2024 at 1:30 PM #50875


    I put this together because I realized some online ebook sellers did not provide adequate tracking of ebooks I had purchased. After buying duplicate books a few times, I decided I needed a way to track what I owned. The template includes a few examples.

    This is not a bibliographic database, it’s just a way of tracking purchased ebooks (including electronic graphic novels), audiobooks, and physical books. You can track books in series, the format of the book, the narrator for audiobooks, where you purchased the book, etc. Personal author names and narrator names should be entered LAST NAME, FIRST NAME for best results in sorting. Multiple authors can be assigned to a single book, but only the first author’s name is used for sorting (there is a separate First Author field with a pick list). There is a special sorting field that allows books to be sorted by the author, series, number in series, and then by the title, or you can use the standard sorting commands if you just want to sort books by the first author and the title.

    Let me know if you have any questions.

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    July 2, 2024 at 10:30 PM #50879


    Thanks for sharing your books template Donna!

    July 4, 2024 at 12:59 PM #50881


    If you have books on Amazon, here is a link to a parser that let me get all my ebooks out of Amazon in a format I was able to tweak enough to import:  It took some work, but it did work.

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