I’m trying to have a specific order in table fields but since it is trying to sort as ascending or descending it overrules me.
For example, I want the rows in my table to be in this order so that the largest positive value descends toward zero and then the negative values ascend away from zero (just like a thermometer does):
Instead, it is auto sorting. If I sort descending I get this which is wrong because of where it is putting the 0º value:
If I add the + in front of the 0º it places the +0º where it belongs (below +7º) but the numbers thereafter are still not in the order I need.
Some of my tables won’t have the 0º value but I still want them to sort like a temperature scale.
Any suggestions?
Hi Chris,
You should use a Number field instead of a Text field. You’ll have to leave out the + character and degrees symbol though. Then Tap Forms will be able to sort as expected.
Thanks Brendan. I’ve tried that and doesn’t seem to work as described when sorting Descending: