move record from one Form to another?

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  • April 16, 2020 at 2:48 PM #40346

    John Wiggins

    Is it possible to move a record from one form to another?

    Context: I have a Form “Movies owned” and have copied it to a new form “Movies not owned” so the record format is the same for the two Forms. The location field of those I do not own but have seen is Nowhere. Instead of using a search on the location field I would like to have a new Form for just those viewed, and where. This wat at a glance I can see a running total of movies owned and those just viewed.

    April 16, 2020 at 5:09 PM #40347

    Sam Moffatt

    Out of the box I think the suggestion is to just use a search to filter records that should be included or excluded. Tap Forms’ saved search feature is powerful and allows you to easily see a subset with navigation displayed on the left.

    A while back I wrote a script to copy records between forms, though deleting I purposefully exclude because of the obvious risk of data loss though it should work fine.

    April 16, 2020 at 9:12 PM #40348


    Hi John,

    Ya, as Sam suggested, a Saved Search is your best bet for handling this sort of task. It’s what I designed Tap Forms to do for you.

    But if you must, you can look into Sam’s script or you can use the Export Records command to export a list of records, without the Export Record IDs option enabled, then use the Import Records command to import those records back in to your other form.



    April 17, 2020 at 10:48 PM #40353

    John Wiggins

    Thanks to both of you. I was already using “Saved Search” but display of number of these matches is a bit subtle for me, and I already have ten “Saved Search” categories displayed in my Multi-column list view. The more prominent record count for Forms more pleasing to my eye. If desired, Sam’s script can move the occasional record between forms for me without re-entering the data.

    I appreciate the elegantly simple integration of Java scripting you have done, and have not used it until now.

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