Notes field operating like text field

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  • September 6, 2016 at 3:33 AM #19364

    Neil Alecock

    I have created a number of fields using the ‘notes’ format. However, they only operate as ‘text’ fields in my new form.

    I have tried changing them to text then back again and restarting but nothing works

    Can anyone help?

    September 6, 2016 at 10:16 AM #19368


    Hi Neil,

    If you’re referring to a custom layout, then you’ll need to delete the layout object and then drag it in again if you change field types.

    September 7, 2016 at 1:19 PM #19405

    Neil Alecock


    I created the fields from new as note fields. I have tried to delete the objects and fields and start again as suggested but they still act like text fields.

    Its a pain because I want access to the WP in notes to create bullet lists.

    Be good if there was the option to create lists with check boxes in text and or notes by the way.


    September 7, 2016 at 1:32 PM #19406


    Can you please email me your form template so I can take a look at it? Send it to

    You can tell if an object on your custom layout works like a Note field or like a Text field because with a Note field you can press the Return key to create a new line in your content. With a Text field, that won’t work (not unless you press control-return). When you press the Return key in a Text field, the entire contents would be selected too, so that’s another way to tell them apart.

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