Importing records problem

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  • Author
  • October 26, 2014 at 7:54 AM #11379

    Roy Cornett


    I am having an issue importing records into a new database. We have a database that we used for camping reservations (about 450 records) last year at a music festival. We are gearing up for next year’s festival and need to import those records into a new database.

    We have exported the records into a csv file. We duplicated the form from the original database. We then select Import records, choose the csv, choose the form (titled 2015Camping), all 450 records are there, the progress bar moves along saying it is importing the records.

    But, after it is done, the form still shows that it contains 0 records.

    What are we doing wrong?

    October 26, 2014 at 1:26 PM #11385


    Hello Roy,

    It sounds like you exported your CSV file including the record IDs in the export file. You would need to turn that off before you export your records and import them into a new form. What Tap Forms has done is it has looked for records that exist in the database already and it has updated them instead of importing those records into a new form.



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