and or

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  • October 18, 2014 at 1:00 PM #11147


    Brendan is there a way to do a “and or” rule search?

    Also just wonder if there is by chance a listing of other rules that might be useful in search mode like the “double-quotes around your search term” you mentioned in an earlier post.

    October 18, 2014 at 1:52 PM #11149


    Hello Robert,

    When you create multiple rules, Tap Forms will automatically AND those rules together. If you want to do an OR search, you can’t do that between fields, but you can do it within the same field.

    For example you could create a rule like:

    Movie Title contains Terminator OR Hunger

    The OR must be in uppercase within the search term.

    Tap Forms uses FTS4 for its search engine, so there are a few other things you can do in the search term area such as

    Movie Title contains Terminator NOT Salvation

    which would return all movies that had the Terminator in the title, but did not also have Salvation in the title. Note, you can’t do a search like “NOT Salvation”. It has to be preceded by a positive search.

    There are a few other operators that would work, such as NEAR, but they would be very rarely used.

    Hope that helps a bit.



    October 18, 2014 at 2:25 PM #11151


    Just what I needed Brendan – thanks again.

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