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Tap Forms HD Reviewed by Leo Laporte on iPad Today

Through the Twittersphere today I got wind that Tap Forms had been covered by Leo Laporte and Sarah Lane on the TWIT video podcast iPad Today!

It was quite a thrill to see Tap Forms HD being reviewed on their show. I love the TWIT broadcasts and have been an avid TWIT listener for years. However, I hadn't had a chance to catch up on the iPad Today show, so I'm grateful that @PerryNoiaClown had tweeted today that Tap Forms was being reviewed.

If you'd like to catch out the episode, please visit

The segment where they talk about Tap Forms is at about 16:00 on the timeline.

Also, I have a new update in the works which contains a long requested multi-select Pick List function. And I have also made some good progress on the Mac version of Tap Forms. I have no completion date for it yet, but just wanted to let you know it's coming along nicely. I will have to slow down Tap Forms for iPhone and iPad updates so I can focus more on the Mac version for a while though.



6 Responses to “Tap Forms HD Reviewed by Leo Laporte on iPad Today”

  1. Ralph Zwirn says:

    I am a new member of the Tap Forms family as a result of this episode of iPad Today. I am very excited about the potential of this app to help me finally get all of the various nooks and crannies of my life organized. Being a pastor is a mixture of being a teacher and an administrator, making me responsible for both the spiritual well being of my parish family as well as the steward of their buildings and facilities. The power, flexibility, and customizability of Tap Forms will finally allow me to keep all of the various information that I need to keep together, instantly accessible, and well organized. Thank you for your work on this app, and best wishes as you continue its development. I will be recommending it to my staff and to the other pastors I work with.

  2. admin says:

    Hi Ralph,

    Thanks so much for the kind words!

    I’m always available for assistance if you need it. Just email me at support [at] tap



  3. JFH says:

    iPad Mac = Bento, Tapform
    iPad PC = Nothing

  4. Darrick Hamp says:

    Sad to hear about Steve Jobs. I thank you for your post. It has the best rundown I have experienced for a while. Thank you :-)

  5. John G says:

    The Mac version you are working on will be a stand alone with sync capabilities similar to Bento? I love the desktop version of Bento but am not at all happy with the iPhone version of Bento. I currently use HandDBase and like it but wish there was a good desktop version.

    Looking at what TapForm offers on the iPhone, this seems like a great app and if the desktop version will be a stand alone ( like Bento ) which also allows syncing then I am jumping on board with TapForms.

  6. admin says:

    Hi John,

    Yes, Tap Forms Mac will be completely self sufficient and can be used without the iPhone or iPad versions. I’m still quite a ways away from finishing though. I’ve been focusing on the record edit screen and haven’t started yet on the form building in Tap Forms Mac if that gives you any indication of how far off it is.



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