I thought I'd give you a sneak peek at what I've been working on for the past couple of days while I wait for Tap Forms 1.7 to be approved. One of the often requested features is the ability to rate items. I've always wanted to add a rating system to Tap Forms and now I finally had the time to work on it.
Hope you like it! The new ratings field will be released in the next update. Probably 1.7.1 or whatever version it ends up being. But I hope to release it shortly after 1.7 gets approved, so the wait won't be that much longer.
Good work and good luck on a speedy approval!
I like the look of your lil’database over bento for iPhone/Touch.
I’ll probably purchase both, but I am very encourage with the speed of your development here.
PS. Heaps of Bento for iPhone users already asking for relational database records already. I could see you powering up over filemaker crew and keep them in the catchup game.
Well, I’ll do my best!
They have a big company behind them. I am only one guy. It’s good to have a little competition. Keeps me on my toes!
A relational field type is on my to-do list. Just trying to figure out the logistics of such a thing given my data model.
I already love it. I hope for a flexible system where we can set the max value between 3-10 stars. ;-)
Thank you. Looks really promising so far. *thumbup*
Well at the moment it’s just 0 – 5 stars. Hey, it’s a start at least! :-)
I think Bento & HanDBase are both way behind Tap Forms on visual design and this makes for a poor user experience – especially if you need rapid access to your data whilst doing 101 other things.